Motion Sickness Stories
contributed by readers

Whether you're looking for tips from those who have had similar experiences, or enjoy reading about others' discomfort (!), everyone loves a good story.

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There's nothing as interesting as tips and advice based on real life experiences. As a result the motion sickness stories are among the most popular pages on this website, so you can be sure of an audience! I will of course not publish any contact details, and you don't need to use your real name if you don't want to.

Please e-mail your stories to or use the form on the Contact page. Thank you!

Sea Sickness Stories

Sea Sick on the Atlantic
When we decided to do sailing trip on the Atlantic, we knew that we would be confronted with seasickness. So of course we got some sea sickness pills. But...

Crossing the Baltic Sea (Helsinki to Tallinn)
My wife and I were in Helsinki, Finland, in mid-winter and decided to do a day trip to Tallinn, capital of Estonia. Tallinn is across the Gulf of Finland from Helsinki and the journey across the Baltic Sea takes about three hours by ferry.

My Nightmare Trip to a tiny Japanese Island
When we were touring Japan it seemed like a neat idea to visit Hegura-jima, a tiny island about two hours off the west coast. The 'ferry' was a fishing boat carrying maybe 40 or 50 people, and all the other passengers were either locals or bird watchers...

Air Sickness Stories

My extreme motion sickness - planes are by far the worst
I have suffered from motion sickness since childhood, but planes are by far the worst.

The Worst Motion Sickness I've Ever Had
Right after take-off I was hit by waves of nausea so intense that I actually passed out (prior to passing out I was actually wishing I was dead).

Traveling with my Air Sick Daughter
I never really knew anything about air sickness till I had kids, then suddenly I got to know it real well! It happens the same every time.

Car Sickness Stories

Learning to Drive with a Car Sick Toddler!
For the past 6 months I've been learning to drive, and when I do lots of roundabouts & manoeuvring, it makes my son (he's 2) really sick, plus Update!

Bus/Coach Sickness Stories

Coach Sick on the Airport Bus
My 6 year old son is just fine in cars and planes (don't know about sea sick as he hasn't been on boats much). But he gets really, really sick on buses and coaches.

General Motion Sickness Stories

Immune to Motion Sickness?
Since you deal with motion sickness on your site, have you ever come across anyone who has never gotten motion sickness? Thing is, I've never experienced it...


Alan on 23rd July 2012:
Hi, I have a couple of stories:
Last year in Mexico I went fishing. We weren't too far out in a small boat (about 2 miles, you could see the shore in the distance) and we were catching lots of fish. The fish emitted a grunting sound! The north wind came up with a pretty good swell, and I got really sick. I was hanging over the side of the boat puking and moaning, and the fish were all grunting in unison. I think you'd have to be there to really see it, but it wasn't funny at the time.
Also, years ago I was coming home from the office Xmas party in a taxi. I got really sick and threw up out of the window all over some guy's windshield. Not really funny.
Mark on October 9th, 2014:
Hi, I'm 27 and have suffered from motion sickness all my life, I can't even go on a bus for more than 5 min without feeling sick. It's ruining my life!!! I've tried tablets and wrist bands and nothing works... please help me!!
Ian on March 3, 2015:
Mark, you should go on the website, we are in the process of developing a pair of glasses that combats motion sickness. We are looking for people to trial them, go on the website and follow steps.
Anonymous on October 21, 2019:
Have suffered all my life, I don't eat when I'm traveling, but when I started using Cetrizite pills a day before and during the travel I feel better and sometimes I don't vomit at all. Ginger tea also helps a lot.
Christine Lucas on September 7, 2021:
My girls are 14 and 16, and have been getting carsick since they were babies. They just throw up nonstop whenever we take a road trip. I've tried everything, can anyone help?
Willow on October 31, 2021:
My daughter is only 2 1/2 and she just started getting carsick, I've tried all the non-medicinal remedies, but none of them help. I feel bad cause she's so young, and she's miserable, but I don't know of a carsickness medicine for kids that little.
Anonymous on December 22, 2024:
I have a son who gets really, really carsick. I have tried everything (medication, fresh air) but he always ends up throwing up. We no longer have a car, but whenever we have to drive somewhere, he can't go more than 10 minutes without getting sick. We always have to remember to bring a few barf bags, otherwise it's a disaster.

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