The Symptoms of Motion Sickness

The classic image of motion sickness - and in particular sea sickness - is someone being violently sick. However, there are several degrees of motion sickness...

... ranging from mild discomfort and a little queasiness through to intense and repeated vomiting. Additionally, some sufferers develop severe headaches. Most sufferers find that the symptoms come in waves.

The onset of motion sickness is generally marked by a vague feeling that something isn't right, followed by a strange taste in your mouth, more saliva than usual, and a tightening around the lower jaw and upper throat. You may find yourself yawning a lot and feeling weak and short of breath. Your skin may go pale (or the proverbial 'green'), and as your body diverts blood away from the surface of your skin you break into a cold sweat.

Dizziness typically follows, then nausea, culminating in active vomiting. The intense nausea and repeated vomiting can be completely debilitating. As noted above, suffers may also develop a headache (often intense). Rarely, and only in the most severe cases, the dizziness progresses to breathing difficulties and fainting.


Trina on January 14, 2016:
My symptoms are my stomach shuts down, like sleep. Can the patch help with this? I have no appetite, can't swallow any food.
Georgene Bussey on October 15, 2016:
Have had motion sickness for over 18 months. With other illnesses with cancer and chemo. Not helped motion sickness except patch. Schooling. Behind the ear every 3-4 days. Rather expensive, I pay $80.17 but it helps a lot.
Georgene Bussey on October 28, 2016:
Have had motion sickness for over 18 months. With other illnesses with Cancer and chemo. Nothing helped motion sickness except patch. Behind the ear every 3-4 days. Rather expensive with you one. Zip my copay is $80.17 but it helps a lot.
Diane Fish on February 10, 2020:
I've just been on a ferry and suffered from very bad wind. Is there anything I can do if I went again?

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